The opera “The Tale of the Great Computing Machine” is based on the book of the same title, written by Hannes Alfvén, a Professor at KTH, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1970.
What was originally intended to be a bedtime story for his grandchildren gradually grew into an observation about our relationship with nature and technology. “The Tale of the Great Computing Machine” is a story written in a distant future, where the significance of humans is reduced to an evolutionary step on the road to a wise and all-knowing computer. In the book, Alfvén envisages a great deal of the developments we are already a part of today, and the relationship between humans and technology makes it continuously relevant.
The story is now being given a new form and interpreted in an innovative opera, produced by KTH and Stiftelsen Internationella Vadstena-Akademien under the artistic direction of Carl and Åsa Unander-Scharin.
Format: Commercial
Client: KTH Stockholm University
DOP / Editor / Producer: Alessandro Berellini